Thursday, January 19, 2012

Transportation 1960-1999

In this long period of time transportation completely stepped up the game and changed forever.

In the 1960's space travel became a reality:

-Russian cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin orbited the Earth in 1961.
-Eight years later, in 1969, millions of people around the world shared the thrill of  the man’s first steps on the Moon, watching live television broadcasts and newspaper reports of the Apollo 11 mission.
-Soon there were space stations and satellites orbiting the Earth, and robot crafts were transmitting back data and pictures about the unexplored frontiers of space, even landing on Mars. 
-Currently the longest journey ever taken steadily goes on, the spacecraft Voyager 2 speeds farther and farther away from Earth into the Universe. In 1977, Voyager 2 left Earth and in 1977 it flew past planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, before leaving the Solar System forever. This robot explorer will continue its long voyage of discovery for the hundreds of years to come.


-New types of ships have been developed with changing demands.
-Roll-on roll-off car ferries, with doors at both ends were developed because people wanted to drive their cars for their holidays.
-In coastal waters, hovercraft and hydrofoils provide passengers with high-speed services.
-Supertankers were invented to transport oil across the world to meet the world’s fuel needs.


-By 1990, there were 400 million cars in the world.
-Oil supplies are dwindling and pollution from car exhausts is damaging the atmosphere.
-Scientists are looking for alternatives to petrol cars, such as solar powered cars but for now they are only novelties, and fall short of motorists’ requirements.

All this new technology being invented is important because when the U.S. and the Soviet Union were going head to head to see who would have more power and come up with more ideas I guess the fact that all the spacecrafts were developed help the U.S step it up and show who has control over the whole situation to try to keep the world in peace. It is also related to some of the wars discussed in class, such as the Vietnam War, because now that spacecrafts were invented a bomb could easily be dropped off from out of space instead of having to go to the battlefield and fight putting more people's lives at risk.



Thursday, December 15, 2011

Transportation 1940-1959 "The World at War"

Some facts about transportation during 1940-1959:

By 1940 modern helicopters were invented.

After 10 years of depression and 5 years of war the streetcar companies had made lots of money during World War II since automobile gas and supplies were rationed, but by1947 streetcars were eliminated because they were too old and damaged.

Aircraft transportation was not very common by 1950, plane trips were bumpy and noisy. But by late 1950's Boeing jets were invented, they could fly faster, reach higher altitudes, and fly above turbulent weather.

President Dwight Eisenhower thought building Interstate roads was good for the national security, in case a nuclear war would start the population would need good roads to evacuate and to move military equipment.

Transportation was important to this period of time because, as president Ike mentioned, it helped to transport and move military equipment during the war or future wars. It is also related to something discussed in class, "duck and cover", because i guess one way you could protect and cover yourself from bombs is getting inside or underneath your car.


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Transportation during 1920-1939 "Boom & Bust"

People in the 1920's were already traveling by car, railroads, and even airplanes.

  • Automobiles were the newest most popular method of road transportation. The automobile company, led by Ford Motor Industry, was rapidly growing, with new and better models every year.

  • Railroads developed new programs for vacation travelers, places such as Florida were a popular destination.

  • Airplanes were first invented with the purpose of being used during World War 1. After the war during the 1920's they were developed so that they could carry heavier loads and travel longer distances so that passengers could enjoy another way of traveling.

In 1920 traffic light was invented. In 1921 the Federal Highway Act was passed by the government, this act improved and expanded the nation's highways.

This period of time, from 1920-1939, called "Boom & Bust", is important to my topic, transportation, because during times such as the Dust Bowl people would have to use various methods of transportation to migrate to other places in the country.

Transportation is related to World War 1, discussed in class, because different types of machines were invented, such as airplanes and submarines, to help in the war.


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Transportation During the "Progressive Era" (1900-1919)

 Transportation was very important during Progressive Era because it helped change America. The United States was for the first time ever considered a world leader, reforming itself and the whole world.
 The evolution of transportation through out this era affected the country in a positive way. It helped Americans have other faster and more personal ways to transport themselves other than trains and ferries.

 Automobiles, trucks, buses, and streetcars were the most influential way of transportation in the 1900's. In the early 1900's Henry Ford made the Model T, an automobile that was good at handling rough roads, making it affordable, this was a great choice for people to transportate. Dirt roads were covered with crushed rocks to make driving faster. The streetcar company, founded in 1901 by Henry E. Huntingtonin, was another way people could transportate, with roads going from New York to Maine to Portland people could travel long distances making it possible to travel the whole country. The transportation industries helped the growth of cities, such as Los Angeles, and the growth of the country in general as more and more new ways of transportation were being invented and developed through out the years.